How To Improve Your Metabolic Rate

What an exciting and yet extremely frustrating world the health and fitness industry has become. There isn't a day that goes by where there isn't a new magic potion or diet that is going to help you lose that stubborn 3-5 kilos that you've never been able to get rid of. The secret to this magic formula may not be the "diet" you are on, but how well you can get the metabolism going.
Here are the secrets to having your metabolic rate moving faster than Usian Bolt.
#1 – Do not skip meals! You must be eating every 3-4 hours. When you eat your metabolic rate speeds up as it has to work to digest, absorb and then using the nutrients from the food. The fancy term for this is "the thermic effect." It’s not a ticket to base yourself at the golden arches but with the highest quality unprocessed and a combination of high-fibre carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats you’ll be burning fat in no time!
#2- EPOC- part 1 Weights. When we exercise, we have this great post-exercise period called "EPOC." Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption = more calories burned. High intensity weight training and circuit training where you have 40-70 seconds under tension per set will rev up the metabolism. Bottom line: all training creates EPOC, but these exercises will give you the most bang for your buck. Try to do them four days per week and save the long easy sessions for your recovery days. Metabolic Resistance Training refers to lifting weights in such a way that your metabolism is raised for an extended period of time after you finish the workout. This will cause your body to burn calories at a significantly higher rate following your exercise while it repairs and rebuilds the muscles fibres you just tore.
#3- EPOC- part 2. Anaerobic and Interval training. Anaerobic Training refers to doing cardio workouts with intense short intervals of maximal efforts combined with recovery intervals. Sprinting as hard as possible for 100 metres and then recovering is an example of an anaerobic interval. This high intensity training along with interval training (1 min hard: 1 min easy) are great for those of you that are time poor as these sessions shouldn’t last any longer than 30 minutes.
#4 - Drink your green tea! Green tea contains substances called catechins which is a natural component that helps speed up the metabolism. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that drinking three cups of green tea per day can help reduce body fat. Added bonus? Catechins have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, anti-cancer properties, and may help control cholesterol levels.
#5 Improve your thyroid function. To increase your metabolism you need to make sure your thyroid is functioning at it best. Your thyroid is, effectively, what is going to have your metabolic rate going through the roof or bring it to a complete holt! You can support your thyroid function by including more seafood, nuts and seeds in your diet as all of these foods are high in selenium, vitamin E, Iodine, zinc and copper which are essential nutrients for the thyroid.